Setting up Godot with Neovim on Windows

Setting up neovim with Godot is not that hard. Probably very easy on linux, but there are a few things to know to make it work on windows. Actually, there’s only one thing to know but it was hard to find.

My current LSP Setup with LSP Zero

I have no idea how it would work with another setup than mine so let me tell you about how my LSP is set up. I use lsp-zero, and if you don’t use it yet, you should. It makes setting up LSP a breeze and still configurable.

Configure Godot external editor

  1. In godot, go to Editor > Editor Settings > Text Editor > External
  2. In Exac path, set your path to nvim.exe (probably in Program Files)
  3. In exec flags, put --server --remote-send "<C-\><C-N>:n {file}<CR>:call cursor({line},{col})<CR>"

You can customize the remote command sent to nvim, to target a line and column. Like a did here with call cursor. The docs for the remote feature of neovim are available here.

This should be it for godot.

IMPORTANT: Override LSP settings for gdscript to use netcat

For Linux, connecting to the lsp work with sockets, but it does not work on windows.

You need to override the cmd setting to use netcat instead (which is also the cmd for 0.8 nvim according to the source file).

  • Download netcat from their website
  • Add ncat.exe to your Path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap by default)
  • Add the following to wherever you set up your lsp in your nvim config:
-- file: lsp.lua
-- lsp is require('lsp-zero')
-- put this before calling lsp.setup()
lsp.configure('gdscript', {
force_setup = true, -- because the LSP is global. Read more on lsp-zero docs about this.
single_file_support = false,
cmd = {'ncat', '', '6008'}, -- the important trick for Windows!
root_dir = require('lspconfig.util').root_pattern('project.godot', '.git'),
filetypes = {'gd', 'gdscript', 'gdscript3' }

Launch nvim with –listen

Nvim comes with a remote feature. Before, you had to use something called (nvr) but it is not needed anymore.

  • Navigate to your godot project folder
  • Run nvim from your terminal or whatever GUI you prefer with nvim --listen .

Then, when you click on a script in Godot, it should open it in your nvim buffer.

Enjoy making games with Neovim and Godot!